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Clojure SDK

Software Development Kit for Conductor, written on and providing support for Clojure.

The code for the Clojure SDk is available on Github. Please feel free to file PRs, issues, etc. there.

Get the SDK

Quick Guide

  1. Create connection options

(def options {
                  :url  "{{ server_host }}{{ api_prefix }}/" ;; Conductor Server Path
                  :app-key "THIS-IS-SOME-APP-KEY" ;; Optional if using Orkes Conductor
                  :app-secret "THIS-IS-SOME-APP-SECRET" ;; Optional if using Orkes Conductor
              } )
1. Creating a task using above options

(ns some.namespace 
    (:require [io.orkes.metadata :as metadata])

    ;; Will Create a task. returns nil
    (metadata/register-tasks options [{
                         :name "cool_clj_task"
                         :description "some description"
                         :ownerEmail ""
                         :retryCount 3
                         :timeoutSeconds 300
                         :responseTimeoutSeconds 180 }])
  1. Creating a Workflow that uses the task

(ns some.namespace 
    (:require [io.orkes.metadata :as metadata])

;; Will Register a workflow that uses the above task returns nil
(metadata/register-workflow-def options {
                                              :name "cool_clj_workflow"
                                              :description "created programatically from clj"
                                              :version 1
                                              :tasks [ {
                                                       :name "cool_clj_task"
                                                       :taskReferenceName "cool_clj_task_ref"
                                                       :inputParameters {}
                                                       :type "SIMPLE" 
                                                       } ]
                                              :inputParameters []
                                              :outputParameters {:message "${clj_prog_task_ref.output.:message}"}
                                              :schemaVersion 2
                                              :restartable true
                                              :ownerEmail ""
                                              :timeoutSeconds 0
3. Create and run a list of workers

;; Creates a worker and starts polling for work. will return an instance of Runner which can then be used to shutdown
(def instance (runner-executor-for-workers
               (list {
                      :name "cool_clj_task"
                      :execute (fn [someData]
                                 [:completed {:message "Hi From Clj i was created programatically"}])
               options ))

;; Shutsdown the polling for the workers defined above
(.shutdown instance)


Options are a map with optional paremeters

(def options {
                  :url  "{{ server_host }}{{ api_prefix }}/" ;; Api url (Optional will default to "{{ server_host }}")
                  :app-key "THIS-IS-SOME-APP-KEY" ;; Application Key (This is only relevant if you are using Orkes Conductor)
                  :app-secret "THIS-IS-SOME-APP-SECRET" ;; Application Secret (This is only relevant if you are using Orkes Conductor)
              } )

Metadata namespace

Holds the functions to register workflows and tasks.

(:require [conductor.metadata :as metadata])

Registering tasks

Takes the option map and a list/vector of tasks to register. on success it will return nil

(metadata/register-tasks options [{
                                                  :name "cool_clj_task_b"
                                                  :description "some description"
                                                  :ownerEmail ""
                                                  :retryCount 3
                                                  :timeoutSeconds 300
                                                  :responseTimeoutSeconds 180 },
                                                  :name "cool_clj_task_z"
                                                  :description "some description"
                                                  :ownerEmail ""
                                                  :retryCount 3
                                                  :timeoutSeconds 300
                                                  :responseTimeoutSeconds 180 }
                                                  :name "cool_clj_task_x"
                                                  :description "some description"
                                                  :ownerEmail ""
                                                  :retryCount 3
                                                  :timeoutSeconds 300
                                                  :responseTimeoutSeconds 180 }

Registering a workspace

(metadata/register-workflow-def options {
                                                        :name "cool_clj_workflow_2"
                                                        :description "created programatically from clj"
                                                        :version 1
                                                        :tasks [ {
                                                                  :name "cool_clj_task_b"
                                                                  :taskReferenceName "cool_clj_task_ref"
                                                                  :inputParameters {}
                                                                  :type "SIMPLE"
                                                                 :name "someting",
                                                                 :taskReferenceName "other"
                                                                 :inputParameters {}
                                                                 :type "FORK_JOIN"
                                                                 :forkTasks [[
                                                                                :name "cool_clj_task_z"
                                                                                :taskReferenceName "cool_clj_task_z_ref"
                                                                                :inputParameters {}
                                                                                :type "SIMPLE"
                                                                                :name "cool_clj_task_x"
                                                                                :taskReferenceName "cool_clj_task_x_ref"
                                                                                :inputParameters {}
                                                                                :type "SIMPLE"
                                                                 :name "join"
                                                                 :type "JOIN"
                                                                 :taskReferenceName "join_ref"
                                                                 :joinOn [ "cool_clj_task_z", "cool_clj_task_x"]
                                                        :inputParameters []
                                                        :outputParameters {"message" "${clj_prog_task_ref.output.:message}"}
                                                        :schemaVersion 2
                                                        :restartable true
                                                        :ownerEmail ""
                                                        :timeoutSeconds 0
                                                        :timeoutPolicy "ALERT_ONLY"

Client namespace

The client namespace holds the function to start a workflow and running a worker

[io.orkes.client :as conductor]

;; Creates a worker and starts polling for work. will return an instance of Runner which can then be used to shutdown
(def instance (runner-executor-for-workers
               (list {
                      :name "cool_clj_task"
                      :execute (fn [someData]
                                 [:completed {:message "Hi From Clj i was created programatically"}])
               options ))

;; Shutsdown the polling for the workers defined above
(.shutdown instance)
The (runner-executor-for-workers) function will take a list of worker implementations map, and options and start pooling for work it will return a TaskRunnerConfigurer instance, which you can shutdown by calling the .shutdown() java method

Mapper-Utils namespace

The [io.orkes.mapper-utils :as mapper-utils] namespace holds the functions to map to java object which are mostly not necesary.

The mapper-utils/java-map->clj-map protocol

Will map a java map to a clojure map which may come in handy for workers implementation. for example consider a worker that sums two input parameters. For a workflow defined like this :

(metadata/register-workflow-def options {:name "simple_wf"
                                         :description "created programatically from clj"
                                         :version 1
                                         :tasks [{:name "simplest_task"
                                                  :taskReferenceName "repl_task_ref"
                                                  :inputParameters {"firstNumber" "${workflow.input.firstNumber}"
                                                                     "secondNumber" "${workflow.input.secondNumber}"}
                                                  :type "SIMPLE"}]
                                         :inputParameters ["firstNumber" "secondNumber"]
                                         :outputParameters {"result" "${repl_task_ref.output.:result}"}
                                         :schema-version 2
                                         :restartable true
                                         :ownerEmail ""
                                         :timeoutSeconds 0
                                         :timeoutPolicy "ALERT_ONLY"})

To be able to use the input params you would need to use the string names like this:

(def instance (conductor/runner-executor-for-workers
               (list {:name "simplest_task"
                      :execute (fn [someData]

                                 [:completed {"result" (+ (get someData "firstNumber") (get someData "secondNumber"))}])})

A more clojure friendly way would be to convert to clojure our map :

(def instance (conductor/runner-executor-for-workers
               (list {:name "simplest_task"
                      :execute (fn [someData]
                      (let [convertedToClj (-> someData mapper-utils/java-map->clj-map)]
                        [:completed {"result" (+ (:firstNumber convertedToClj) (:secondNumber convertedToClj))}]